Who are you?

I’m Ben. I study computer science💻 at the University of Chicago.

What are you interested in?

I’m broadly interested in politics and computer science. I’m especially interested in formal verification and cryptography.

What do you do?

I was admitted to UChicago’s research-oriented B.S./M.S. program, where I will graduate with both degrees in June 2025. My thesis supervisor is Stuart Kurtz. I plan to write my thesis on formal verification of cryptographic proofs.

I’m also a Lincoln-Douglas debate coach for the DebateDrills club team. I used to coach Lincoln-Douglas debate at Scarsdale High School, I’m also a former instructor for both the National Symposium for Debate and the Victory Briefs Institute.

I also like baking🍞, fantasy football🏈 and the incredible video game Mini Metro🚆.